RFQ - Liquid Oxygen and Liquid Nitrogen Chemical Supply, Maintenance, and Inspection


Bidding Closed

Bid Date 9/23/21 4:00pm

Company & Contacts

City of Martinez
Brianna Barton  


Martinez, CA

1. It is the intent of these specifications, terms, and conditions to describe the requirements for providing liquid oxygen (LOX) and liquid nitrogen
(LIN) chemical supply and providing services described in this RFQ for the City of Martinez (City or Owner) Water Treatment Plant.
2. The LOX and LIN chemical supply shall be provided by the selected Supplier (or Provider) for a period of two (2) years. The City reserves the right to extend the agreement by a period of two (2) years upon mutual agreement of the parties. The Supplier shall provide maintenance and inspection services as described in this RFQ.
3. The City will enter into a service agreement with the selected Supplier for services described in this RFQ.